Blogs related to Productivity and Time Management

How to help your team work better in a hybrid workplace

How to help your team work better in a hybrid workplace

I still remember my first job after college in 2007. My manager gave me a phone, a laptop, and a remote connection to work. They told me I could work from home sometimes if needed – that was the end of the advice. I would burn out due to excessive hours and weak boundaries within a year. Over the next 13 years, I worked between 1 and 4 days from home before switching to fully remote in 2020. In some roles, the setup allowed me to flourish. In others, it was a source of stress, loneliness, and disconnection from the workplace.

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First Time Manager

How to manage your team and work as a first time manager

Stepping into the role of a first-time manager is an exhilarating experience, but let’s be honest—it comes with its fair share of challenges. Juggling a new workload and overseeing a team can feel overwhelming. Especially in organisations lacking adequate training and mentoring, the learning curve for a first-time manager can be pretty steep.

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Pre-Holiday Routine

Switching off from work with a pre-holiday routine

Getting ready for some time off can be pretty stressful when you have a lot going on at work! Tying up loose ends before you leave for a few days/couple of weeks can be full-on, so it is time to introduce a pre-holiday routine to help you have a Better Workday. That way you can finish up anything you need to, and plan for your first day back so all you need to worry about is relaxing!
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Lack of motivation

How to deal with lack of motivation at work

Lack of motivation in the workplace can be frustrating and difficult. When you aren’t motivated, you still get the work done. But it takes so much more energy to complete each task, so you achieve less in the overall day. You end up feeling tired, stressed and dissatisfied. And that impacts your motivation for the next day. 

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