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Goal Setting


2023 in Rearview: The Lessons That Shaped My Year

Do you ever feel like you are starting from scratch time and time again?  In the past, my focus at this time of year would have been fixated on future goals and ambitions, neglecting the lessons and growth waiting in the rearview. No wonder every year felt like I was starting from scratch.

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Grow your side hustle by focusing on outcomes

Starting and growing a business can be exciting and rewarding. But it can also be challenging and stressful. I started my own business as a side hustle, so I have many hats to wear and not a lot of time to wear them.  Every article I read and video I watched had a list of things I had to do to be successful, and I watched in horror as my to-do list grew longer by the day. This is difficult enough when working full-time, but it is practically impossible to do it along with working another job and raising a family. Working 70 hours or more a week wasn’t an option; I had made a decision long ago that burnout was too high a price to pay for success.

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new year resolutions

Making New Year Resolutions That Stick

Last week, I looked back on the resolutions I set at the beginning of the year and was delighted that I had achieved three of my four goals. This was an unprecedented success, but I tried something new this last year.

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SMART Goals Are Even Better When You Ask These Four Questions

SMART goals are one of the most popular methods for both personal and professional goal-setting. However, 82% of individuals who set New Year’s goals don’t achieve them, and as many as 90% of businesses fail to reach their strategic goals. These figures suggest room for improvement in this trusted acronym and an opportunity to make them not only SMART but more likely to be accomplished.

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