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Embrace the mid-year magic: Three steps to help you recalibrate

by Niamh Moynihan on

September often feels like a sort of “mini January” with its back-to-school vibes, making August the perfect month to take some time out to reflect on your year so far. With many people travelling and work often quieter, it’s an ideal moment to pause and reassess how you are getting on and set out your goals for the next six months. Think of it as half-time in a match—a chance to evaluate your performance, make adjustments, and set a winning strategy for the remaining months. Make sure you celebrate the successes!  

Consider the following; 

How are you balancing work and home life? 

What intentional tweaks can you introduce to make the next few months run smoothly?

What kind of new habits would bring a renewed sense of purpose to your daily routine?

In my podcast this week (Episode 19 is available here), I shared tips for new employees, early career professionals, and graduates. It struck me that most of us could benefit from revisiting these lessons as a chance to reset and get back to basics.

If you feel like your workday has been running you lately instead of the other way around, these three simple ideas might be helpful.

Plan Your Week

Whether you're new to the working world or a seasoned professional, planning your week is my number one rule. Jotting down your weekday plans and deciding what you'll work on each morning and afternoon helps manage expectations. If your role is highly responsive, i.e. you depend on other people or external factors a lot, plan just a couple of days at a time. This takes 5-10 minutes at the start of your day but will do wonders to keep you on track and focused. 

And my one absolute non-negotiable (Bear fans, I see you!) is a lunch break. Book your daily lunch break into your calendar, and don’t budge. Be the person who takes their lunch break from day one of your career until the day you retire. Even on days when you don't feel the need for a break, keeping it as a habit ensures you’ll take it when you do need it.

Pick Your Priority

Notice I use the singular—priority. Originally, “priority” was always a singular term, and only with the Industrial Revolution did it morph into “priorities.” 

New to your role or not, it can be hard to know which task is most important. Avoid simply reacting to whoever shouts the loudest. Everyone can benefit from objectively looking at their to-do list and saying, “If I do one thing today, I will…” This approach helps you focus on finishing a task of significance each day. Then, let your manager know your priority to ensure alignment. 

Once the first one is done, pick the next one, but focus on finishing one thing at a time. You’d be amazed how distractions lead to a lot of half-finished tasks. Bring your awareness to that fact, and it’s half the battle. 

Strengthen Key Relationships

Good working relationships are essential, no matter how organised or skilled you are. Whether you’ve been in the job for two days or 20 years, a lack of strong relationships can make your week bumpy and unnecessarily problematic. 

Commit to improving your work relationships over the next few months. Identify the five to seven key people you interact with frequently—managers, senior team members, and key contacts in other departments. Take time to consider and understand how they prefer to communicate and what their priorities are.

For example, new joiners could schedule a 15-minute “getting to know you” meeting with a senior person from another team. Explain that you’re new and want to collaborate effectively. Discovering their communication preferences and understanding their workload can prevent delays and miscommunications.

But this practice isn't just for new employees; even seasoned professionals can benefit from strengthening these relationships and understanding colleagues’ pain points as part of a September reset. It’s a great way to ensure smooth workflows and build a strong foundation for future roles.

So, as we approach the final stretch of the year, let's embrace the mid-year magic and make the most of this moment to recalibrate. Remember, it's not about sweeping changes but minor, intentional tweaks that can set the tone for a more fulfilling and balanced life. The key steps to making the most of this period are simple yet powerful: planning your week, focusing on one priority at a time, and putting effort into nurturing those crucial work relationships. 

 Here's to a purposeful, productive, and joyful rest of the year—let's make it count!