
The Delegation Advantage: Boosting Productivity and Growth

Written by Niamh Moynihan | Aug 17, 2023 8:59:00 PM

Imagine if you could skyrocket your productivity and open doors for career growth, all without the stress of endless late nights and looming deadlines. The secret weapon might just be effective delegation.

Delegation creates more opportunities than a few hours back in the day. Here’s what you gain when you delegate effectively:

  • Boost in Productivity: Streamlining tasks by delegating allows everyone to concentrate on what they’re good at, increasing output and quality.
  • Career Development: Trusting team members with diverse tasks fosters learning, enriches skills, and potentially leads to career growth.
  • Improved Team Dynamics: Delegation encourages collaboration and strengthens team bonds. Shared goals make everyone row in the same direction.
  • Better Time Management: For leaders, the ability to delegate non-essential tasks leaves more time to focus on strategic decisions and planning.
  • Trust and Empowerment: Delegating equates to trusting your team, which empowers them and heightens their sense of responsibility.


Delegation helps to develop the people around you. It makes the team and the company more effective by ensuring everyone’s time and talent are used in the best way.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Delegation:  

Just like baking a cake, delegation is easier when you have a plan to follow.

  1. Evaluate Tasks: Assess which tasks are ripe for delegation based on their requirements and priority.
  2. Choose the Right Person: Match tasks with team members based on their skills, interest and workload.
  3. Be Clear on Expectations: Outline what you’re expecting clearly and succinctly. Get agreement on what success looks like. 
  4. Provide Support: Discuss how the delegate will approach the work and ensure they have the support they need to succeed.
  5. Assign authority: One of the reasons that delegation fails is that the person doesn’t have the authority to make certain decisions and acquire resources. Take care of this upfront to avoid roadblocks later.
  6. Confirm schedules and deadlines: Enter all dates in a shared document or calendar. Be mindful of other projects that could risk the timeline.
  7. Keep in touch: Decide how and when you will sit down and discuss progress. As well as a formal plan, the delegate should be able to come to you when needed.
  8. Acknowledge Success: Celebrate achievements and provide constructive feedback to fuel growth.


Above all else, the critical thing to remember is that regular communication and feedback is the key to success.

Levels of Delegation:

Delegation isn’t an all-or-nothing process. When you break something down into smaller pieces, you can identify parts you can get help with while remaining accountable.

Delegation isn’t a one-size-fits-all. It comes in varying levels that reflect different degrees of trust and independence:

Task Focused
  • Level 1 – “Do as I say”: The person follows step-by-step instructions for a clearly defined task with measurable outcomes.
Information Focused
  • Level 2 – “Look into this”: The person will do preliminary research and share their findings.
  • Level 3 – “Give me options, and I’ll decide: The person will present different options based on their research, and you will choose the best one.
Outcome Focused
  • Level 4 – “Explore, decide and then check with me”: The person will make decisions but get your final approval before moving forward.
  • Level 5 – “You decide (within limits)”: The person can make decisions with specific criteria, like budget and scope.
  • Level 6 – “Take care of this for me”: Complete trust, where the person makes and implements decisions independently. You are still available to guide them if they need it.

Understanding these levels lets you fine-tune your delegation style, adapting to various tasks and team capabilities.

While most people consider the task or outcome-focused delegation, few consider getting help with information gathering and recommendations. Look at the projects you are working on and think about what benefit it would bring if someone else did the research or information-gathering tasks.

Roadblocks to Delegation:

If you know how to delegate but don’t do it, it’s worth considering what is getting in the way. 

Here are some of the reasons why delegation can be a challenge:

  • Trust Issues: Lack of faith in team capabilities or interest in the work can stifle effective delegation and hold back professional growth.
  • Fear of Letting Go: Some people worry about losing control, leading to micromanagement, which can disrupt the delegation flow.
  • Time Commitment Concerns: Training someone may seem like a time sink, but consider it an investment for future efficiency.

Whatever your reason for not delegating in the past, consider now that there is more than one way to do it. Choose the level of delegation you are comfortable with and begin from there.

Delegation is more than just a convenience; it’s a strategy to optimise productivity, personal growth, and team dynamics. By grasping its fundamentals and adopting a flexible approach, you’re setting the stage for a work environment where everyone thrives.