
Read This and Don’t Leave Your Job

Written by Niamh Moynihan | Apr 4, 2018 1:56:00 PM

January is the most popular time of year for people looking to leave their job. But although this is certainly a distraction which could pass away many of the hours you have to wait until pay day, remember a new job is not just for January! So before you go too far down the rabbit hole, it is worth considering a few things.

Do you really want to leave your job?

I’m jumping straight to the obvious; do you really want to leave your job? If you hadn’t already starting talking about it or looking at your options by November then this is a question worth asking. It may be that lower levels of energy because of the winter months, (and perhaps some festive socialising!), is impacting your motivation. If in doubt, wait for a couple of weeks and then see if you are still committed to moving.

Are you suffering from FOMO?

With everyone talking about New Year Resolutions and new beginnings, do you feel like you will be missing out if you don’t make a change too? Whether it’s our immediate family, our wider circle of friends or the social media universe that’s talking, it’s completely normal to wonder whether staying put is still the right thing to do. If you find yourself nodding in agreement to this one then remember their boat is not your boat: Everyone is on their own path and must navigate it based on who they are, what success means to them, and the part of the journey they are on. If you jump into their boat, you may end up where they want to be instead of where you want to be.

How about changing the filter instead of changing your job?

Just like a good filter can brighten up a dull photograph, a fresh look at your current job may be just what you need. Whether it’s brightening up your workspace, adopting a “no problem” attitude for a couple weeks, or speaking to your boss about new responsibilities, there are many ways you can adjust your current environment for the better. If you are unsure about what needs changing, imagine you did move job and it was your first week. What would be different about the space, your approach and the work you are doing?

To leave your job for the right reason is a great opportunity to move forward in your journey. And if, at the end of reading this, you know this is the time for you then go for it! But if you are unsure, perhaps close the browser window for a month or two to see if this is something you really want or simply January jitters.
