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Feel confident in adding AI to your workday with these 3 steps.

by Niamh Moynihan on

AI can help you streamline tasks and spend more time on high-value work. But how can you be sure AI boosts your productivity and isn’t the latest time suck?It turns out that the secret to success with this new technology is to keep things simple and focus on continuous improvement over perfection.  Let’s take a look at the first three steps you can take in your AI journey. 


Step 1: Clarify what help you need.

There are hundreds of AI tools available, but only a few of them will help you create a better workday.  Use the SWOT framework to Identify tasks in your workday that could benefit from automation or streamlining. 

Start by evaluating your strengths and weaknesses. What tasks do you excel at, and which ones do you struggle with or procrastinate on? 

Then, consider the opportunities for AI to enhance your workflow. How can AI best support you in focusing on high-value work? This could include freeing up time by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks.

Finally, identify potential threats, such as incomplete or inaccurate information, and develop strategies to mitigate them. Understand how the tools handle and store your data, especially if they involve sensitive information.

Creating separate lists for daily, weekly, and monthly tasks helps prioritise where AI could make the most significant impact. Additionally, maintaining a list of ideas to explore with AI allows for experimentation without overwhelming your workload. Remember, just because AI can assist with a task doesn't mean it's necessary or valuable for you to do.

By aligning AI tools with your specific needs and leveraging them where they provide the most value, you can optimise your productivity without feeling overwhelmed. 


Step 2: Select the right tools

Choosing the right AI tools can make or break your experience with integrating AI into your workday. Rather than downloading every app available, focus on selecting tools that align with your identified needs.

Start by exploring the features of your existing tools and applications. Many platforms already incorporate AI-driven functionalities that you may not be fully utilising. 

Ask colleagues and peers for recommendations on AI tools they have found beneficial for the work you want support with, and choose tools that integrate with your current workflow and existing applications when possible.

While it may be tempting to aim for perfection in selecting AI tools, remember that "good enough" is enough to get started. Take advantage of trial periods and demos. Use this opportunity to assess the compatibility of different tools with your work requirements and evaluate their effectiveness in addressing your specific challenges. 


Step 3: Embrace a learning mindset

Embracing new technologies like AI requires a willingness to step outside your comfort zone and explore unfamiliar territory. Embrace a mindset of continuous learning when it comes to AI. Be open to adapting your approach based on feedback, experiences, and emerging best practices. The technology is constantly evolving, and staying flexible ensures you can harness its full potential. 

Team up with colleagues to learn from each other and share knowledge as you get more comfortable with different AI tools.

The world of AI doesn't have to be overwhelming. By starting with a clear purpose, selecting tools intentionally, and taking a learning approach you can harness the power of AI to enhance your productivity and efficiency without succumbing to distraction or overwhelm.

First Published: 28th October 2023. Last Updated: 12th February 2024